Pedigree of Nagasaki De Urbinako
Nagasaki De Urbinako
Shanrew Let It Rock
Makoto Black Magic at Marilouvales
Makoto Aka Danshaku
Shiranami of Kadowaki Kennels
Kurochahime of Dohgayamasow
Makoto Simply Red
Juho of Suishoen at Makoto
銃砲号 翠松園
Makoto Kitsuneno Jusei
Shanrew It's A Kind Of Magic
Now I'm Here at Shanrew
Juho of Suishoen at Makoto
銃砲号 翠松園
Makoto Serenade
Abuland Jasmine at Shanrew
Kurotetsu of Kohtokusow at Makoto
黒鉄号 高徳荘
Liemonchek Debi of Abuland
Cely de Urbinako
Shanrew Let It Rock
Makoto Black Magic at Marilouvales
Makoto Aka Danshaku
Makoto Simply Red
Shanrew It's A Kind Of Magic
Now I'm Here at Shanrew
Abuland Jasmine at Shanrew
Darlhy-Sky de Urbinako
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree