Pedigree of Sakushuhime of Tsuyoshi at Makoto
Sakushuhime of Tsuyoshi at Makoto
Kawana No Saku of Toyohashi Kawanasou
Sakushuugen Go Tsuyama Kunimotosou
作州源号 津山国本荘
Azumi No Hana Go Shinshuu Azuminosou
安曇の華号 信州あづみ野荘
Hakuba No Gen Go Roukakusou
白馬の源号 郎鶴荘
Shinano Ichibenihime Go Shinshuu Azuminosou
信濃市紅姫号 信州あづみ野荘
Chakohime Go Tsuyama Kunimotosou
チャコ姫号 津山国本荘
Taihou Go Tsuyama Kataoka Kensha
Tenryuu Momohime Go Tsuyama Masaokasou
天龍桃姫号 津山正岡荘
Akana of Yamawi Kensha
Kiyonishiki of Toyohashi Baneisow
Azumi No Sachihana of Toyohashi Kawanasow
Benikohime of Tsuyoshisow at Makoto
Beniryuu Go Yamanashi Andousou
紅竜号 山梨安藤荘
Jouji Go Fussaen
Hachisuke (Yasuke) Go Fussaen
八助号 (福生園)
Sachime Go Fussaen
幸女号 (福生園)
Ten'ichihime Go Shinshuu Takeisou
Tenryuuichi Go Shinshuu Takeisou [NB conflict of info on parentage]
天竜市号 信州タケイ荘
Kiyoichime Go Shinshuu Takeisou
Korihime Go Shinshuu Takeisou
Kintaro Go Shinshuu Takeisou
Tenryuuichi Go Shinshuu Takeisou [NB conflict of info on parentage]
天竜市号 信州タケイ荘
Chakohime of Shinshuu Takeisou
Tsukaichihime Go Shinshuu Takeisou
Tenryuuichi Go Shinshuu Takeisou [NB conflict of info on parentage]
天竜市号 信州タケイ荘
Shinshuu Koban Go Shinshuu Takeisou
信州小判号 信州タケイ荘
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree