Pedigree of Fugaz Uhime Go Shun'You Kensha
Fugaz Uhime Go Shun'You Kensha
We-Sedso Xanakonda Riku
Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
Genshiro Go Gold Typhoon
Ryugenmaru Go Nidai Maneisou
Hamahime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Tenpohime Go Kyoudaisow
Tenko Go Kyoudaisou
Miyamae No Terumi Go Miyamae Shimizu
We-Sedso Unique
Mara-Shimas Tyfoon
Oakshadow Tonka Toy Is Vormund
Vormund Shooting Star
We-Sedso L'Rebbie
Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo
We-Sedso Chika
Yumeakabono Go Shun'You Kensha
We-Sedso Zen Kessaku
Gas Hollow Zen Satori Sunset
Shouryuu Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Zen Satori Gas Hollow's Lark
We-Sedso Pretty Woman
Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
We-Sedso Unique
We-Sedso Cho-Cho
Hi-Jinx Mmm Mmm Good
Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Tetsuhime Go Nantaisow
We-Sedso Hime
Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree