Pedigree of Benitakehime (of) Dairy Farm
Benitakehime (of) Dairy Farm
Fuji No Tomotake of Dairy Farm
Fujimaru of Fujimiya Kensha (Fujimaru Go Fujinomiya Kensha)
富士真留号 富士宮犬舎
Matsumaru Go Shinshuu Nakajima
松真留号 信州中島
Beniyuki (Benisachi) Go Sakurasou
紅幸号 さくら荘
Akafusame Go Mita Kensha
赤房女号 三田犬舎
Beniichime Go Enshuu Sogasou
紅一女号 遠州曽我荘
Matsumaru Go Shinshuu Nakajima
松真留号 信州中島
Benisakurame Go Fujiminesou
紅桜女号 富士峰荘
Matsuchika (Matsutomobana) of Dairy Farm
Tenjo Go Mita Kensha
Kunichika Go Dairy Farm
Watase No Isamihime (Yuhime) Go Dairy Farm
Isamimaru of Nishi Banzusow (Yumaru of Nishihata Mameso)
Komayuu Go Asahinasou
Benihaname Go Kaorusou
Takamatsuhime of Dairy Farm
Matsu Go Shinshuu Tsubamesou
Marihime Go Dairy Farm
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree