Pedigree of Balrog Black des Portes de la Moria
Balrog Black des Portes de la Moria
Ultramarine Sietch Tabr
Vormund The Slugger
Wellshim The Prince by Vormund
Vormund Rising Star
Yukarihime of Mikado House
Vormund Kadota Small Talk
Vormund Rising Star
Vormund Smart Talk About Kadota
Ultramarine Nandi
Nohara No Kimi of Shakkosow
Akira of Cowen Third
Benzaiten I'm Impressive
Vormund Tri Star
Kurotetsu of Kohtokusow at Makoto
黒鉄号 高徳荘
Wellshim Mimosa
Petunia Des Portes de la Moria
Gengis de Vaudival
Manlotens Hashibami
Jyohhou of Dairy Farm
Fujihime of Hatano Kensha/Kenko
Benzaiten I'm Impressive
Tetsumaru of Ichikawa Aoki
Graham Uchida's Yume No Ben-Zaiten
Peisha du Loup Siberien
Shibas Nest JP Nippo
Odate JP Ki
Langans Brushwood Kit-Fox
Maki of Tatsumakikensow
Tatsumaki No Kurotaka Go Tatsumakikensou
Michi of Oshima Yasudasow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree