Pedigree of H'Yuko Du Royaume D'Aphrodite

H'Yuko Du Royaume D'Aphrodite

Marma's Rich And Famous

Sanjo Let's Go Joe

Kairi Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Banri (Manri) Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
萬利号 琉球うるま
Satsuki Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Seki No Sachihime Go Shikoku Sekimaesow

Tenryuu Go Shiba Furendosou
天竜号 柴普恋度荘
Beniyakko Go Imabarisow
紅奴号 今治荘

Frerose Free Spirit Of Marma

Frerose Stoned Cold

Frerose Little Big Man
Frerose Sweet Mystical You

Frerose Sophie
Fanfair's Do It My Way
Frerose Cupie Doll

Fuyumi Du Royaume D'Aphrodite

Kiyowara Di Poggio Petroio
Frerose Hardly Anakita O' Wicca

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha

Frerose's Punkin Pie

Kurotetsu Of Kitsunebiso

Tapena Isoko
Kirabicaya Nikkou Del Mayjor's
Fran-Shoko von Haussman
Panda Von Haussman
Shibi Box's Kamel
Asuku-Go De Urbinako

Shanrew Let It Rock

Cely de Urbinako
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree