Pedigree of Kirabicaya Nikkou Del Mayjor's
Kirabicaya Nikkou Del Mayjor's
Fran-Shoko von Haussman
Panda Von Haussman
Kotetsu Go Kanegaesow
Marihime Go Akiyoshisow
Shibi Box's Kamel

Windcastle's Queen Of Heart

Windcastle's Winslow of Ming Yii
Windcastle's Awesome Blossom

Innisfree Windcastle's Orion

Windcastle's BNT Riverview Guy

Hanako of Hokuso Takayamasow
Asuku-Go De Urbinako

Shanrew Let It Rock
Makoto Black Magic at Marilouvales

Makoto Aka Danshaku
Makoto Simply Red
Shanrew It's A Kind Of Magic
Now I'm Here at Shanrew
Abuland Jasmine at Shanrew

Cely de Urbinako

Shanrew Let It Rock
Makoto Black Magic at Marilouvales
Shanrew It's A Kind Of Magic

Darlhy-Sky de Urbinako
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree