Pedigree of Takehiro Akashima de Namiko
Takehiro Akashima de Namiko
Fran-Shoko von Haussman
Panda Von Haussman
Kotetsu Go Kanegaesow
Marihime Go Akiyoshisow
Shibi Box's Kamel
Windcastle's Queen Of Heart
Windcastle's Winslow of Ming Yii
Windcastle's Awesome Blossom
Innisfree Windcastle's Orion
Windcastle's BNT Riverview Guy
Hanako of Hokuso Takayamasow
Saphira Ishi Ryu De Namiko
Milagros Kiseki De Namiko
Kerrilands Total Akashima
Chevawn Certain Majic At Kerrilands
Kerrilands Total Surprize
Hanna Mai-Ko of Toshi
Taichung Magic Moment
S'hampton Finl Anws At Taichung
Southampton Hokka No Ryo
San Jo's Western Edition
Aso No Beniko Go Takayuusou
Takayuu No Ichiko Go Takayuusou
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree