Pedigree of Frerose Sophie

Frerose Sophie
Fanfair's Do It My Way
Kiyota Kamaru Go Nidai Maneiso
Ecchu Takehachiro Go Ecchu Maneiso
Takeharu Go Nishitaka Kensha
Hidehana Go Nidai Baneisow
Shungikume Go Nidai Maneiso
Kouji Go Serikawa
皇児号 芹川
Toyohime Go Nidai Maneiso
Sea Breeze Miss Behavin
Sea Breeze The Sundance Kid
Avon-Cleansweep Of Sea Breeze
Hidemi Gotenbaozawa ROM
Sea Breeze Lickety Split
Avon-Cleansweep Of Sea Breeze
Lietash Whirling Dervish
Frerose Cupie Doll

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Otomi No Kadoichi

Kadotsukasa (Moji) Go Ooshima Yasudasou
門司号 (大島安田荘)
Kotomi of Risokyo
Yurihime of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Yoshimaru of Fujinomiya Kensha
Sayuri of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Frerose Miko
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow

Ichibeni of Ineda Meikensow

Yukimehime of Yukigunisow
Hisazakura of Joshu Toyooka Kensha
Beniichime of Harutakesow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree