Pedigree of Allaikha's vong |
Allaikha's vong
| We-Sedso Xanakonda Riku
| Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
| Genshiro Go Gold Typhoon
| Ryugenmaru Go Nidai Maneisou
Hamahime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Tenpohime Go Kyoudaisow
| Tenko Go Kyoudaisou
Miyamae No Terumi Go Miyamae Shimizu
We-Sedso Unique
| Mara-Shimas Tyfoon
| Oakshadow Tonka Toy Is Vormund
Vormund Shooting Star
We-Sedso L'Rebbie
| Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo
We-Sedso Chika
Thjari Youngtree High Shine
| Cajan-Indra Tefrhe
| Haguro No Katsuryuu Go Chuuou Hagurosow
| Beninishiki Go Youda Takadasow
Hikarihanahime Go Nikkosow
Mara-Shimas Kyushu no Beniyuki
| Qyoketsu Del Monte de Haya
Vormund Shooting Star
Bonsai Bullit Star
| Mara-Shimas Timo
| Vormund Rising Star
Sakushuhime of Tsuyoshi at Makoto
Vormund Christmas Carol Of Pendley
| Makoto Aka Danshaku
Vormund Annies Song
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |