Pedigree of Eureka des Portes de la Moria |
Eureka des Portes de la Moria
| Hobilbo go shun you kensha
| We-Sedso Zen Kessaku
| Gas Hollow Zen Satori Sunset
| Shouryuu Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Zen Satori Gas Hollow's Lark
We-Sedso Pretty Woman
| Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
We-Sedso Unique
We-Sedso Cho-Cho
| Hi-Jinx Mmm Mmm Good
| Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Tetsuhime Go Nantaisow
We-Sedso Hime
| Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo
U-Black-Legend des Portes de la Moria
| Vormund The Slugger
| Wellshim The Prince by Vormund
| Vormund Rising Star
Yukarihime of Mikado House
Vormund Kadota Small Talk
| Vormund Rising Star
Vormund Smart Talk About Kadota
Liwaki du Domaine des Renards d'Orient
| Shibas Nest JP Nippo
| Odate JP Ki
Langans Brushwood Kit-Fox
Maki of Tatsumakikensow
| Tatsumaki No Kurotaka Go Tatsumakikensou
Michi of Oshima Yasudasow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |