Pedigree of Eureka des Portes de la Moria
Eureka des Portes de la Moria

Hobilbo go shun you kensha

We-Sedso Zen Kessaku

Gas Hollow Zen Satori Sunset

Shouryuu Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Zen Satori Gas Hollow's Lark

We-Sedso Pretty Woman

Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go

We-Sedso Unique

We-Sedso Cho-Cho

Hi-Jinx Mmm Mmm Good

Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso

Tetsuhime Go Nantaisow

We-Sedso Hime

Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo

U-Black-Legend des Portes de la Moria

Vormund The Slugger

Wellshim The Prince by Vormund

Vormund Rising Star

Yukarihime of Mikado House
Vormund Kadota Small Talk

Vormund Rising Star
Vormund Smart Talk About Kadota
Liwaki du Domaine des Renards d'Orient

Shibas Nest JP Nippo

Odate JP Ki

Langans Brushwood Kit-Fox
Maki of Tatsumakikensow
Tatsumaki No Kurotaka Go Tatsumakikensou
Michi of Oshima Yasudasow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree