Pedigree of Janeryl's Elecktra |
Janeryl's Elecktra
| Janeryls Kingpin
| Janeryl's Tricky Dicky
| Yashio No Tengen Go Musashi Washinomiyasow
| Mitsuryu Go Mishima Matsukane
Toyobenihime Go Kanto Ginryu
Geifang Hocus Pocus at Janeryl
| Azgard Shotokan at Potterspride
Geifang The Geisha
Toftslain Justy Nuff at Janeryl
| Steldawn Little Casanova
| Makoto Richiji at Steldawn
Madason Momento at Upend
Steldawn Fire Queen at Toftslain
| Wellshim King Of Diamonds
Chilite Firedancer at Steldawn
Aika-Go Shun'you Kensha 愛香号春陽犬舎 | We-Sedso Zen Kessaku
| Gas Hollow Zen Satori Sunset
| Shouryuu Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Zen Satori Gas Hollow's Lark
We-Sedso Pretty Woman
| Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
We-Sedso Unique
Kaori Go Shun'You Kensha 香号 春陽犬舎 | Hi-Jinx Mmm Mmm Good
| Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Tetsuhime Go Nantaisow
Nagasaki De Urbinako
| Shanrew Let It Rock
Cely de Urbinako
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |