Pedigree of We-Sedso Rainman
We-Sedso Rainman
Hi-Jinx Spruce
Hi-Jinx Black N Dekker
Sasuke of Paladin
Jou (Jyo) Kenwaso
Akane Kashumitsuuchiso
Foxtrot High Lites
Hansha Remote Control
Foxtrot Femme Fatale
Hi-Jinx Twig
Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Heki No Ken Go Daini Hekihoso
Azusakikuhime Go Matsunaga Ono Kensha
Foxtrot's Cinnamon Toast
Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
Taka Chika
We-Sedso Hime Seiza
Dragon House Fire Brigade
Top Gun of Satorisow
Joh of Awa Azumasow
情号 阿波あずま荘
Akanehime of Satorisow
Ishiyama Ain't No Lady
Tanasea's Toyonaka Sama
Taichung The Lady In Red
We-Sedso Hime
Tronkaers Beni Bukoshimo
Mokelumne Danji Riko
Kaissas Bijin Natsu Hime
Asahi-So Kiku Me Go
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree