Pedigree of Torahylls Indiana Jones
Torahylls Indiana Jones
Frerose Sneakers

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Otomi No Kadoichi

Kadotsukasa (Moji) Go Ooshima Yasudasou
門司号 (大島安田荘)
Kotomi of Risokyo
Yurihime of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Yoshimaru of Fujinomiya Kensha
Sayuri of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Frerose Miko
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow

Ichibeni of Ineda Meikensow

Yukimehime of Yukigunisow
Hisazakura of Joshu Toyooka Kensha
Beniichime of Harutakesow
Brushwood's Cut To The Chase
Minimeadow Star Material
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow

Ichibeni of Ineda Meikensow
Minimeadow Annie Oakly
Minimeadow Bamboo Shoot

Haya No Kiyomi of Akanuma Hayasakaso
Cedar Crest's Sass-A-Frass
Hardt's Shiba Sundance
Graham Uchida's Maverick
Shiroi Hana of Shosha Shibas
Brennans Little Hope
Dichas Tokiwa
Dichas Rhema
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree