Pedigree of Naito Aka Czech Jakobin
Naito Aka Czech Jakobin
Ranchlake's Aka Sachi
Riverviews Rio At Ranchlake
Shandell Beach Music
Tanasea Star Spangled Banner
Shandell Unlikely Angel
Riverview's Scarlott O'Hare
Riverview's Play of Chance
Ranchlake's Miway of Riverview
K Loto No Fujiko San
Triple K Raven of Ranchlake
Jacquet JP's Baron
Kurohana Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Mariko-San No K Loto
Fukuryu Beikokusekiryuso
Shukahime of Shouesow
Chiko Czech Jakobin
Sensei Kenjo
Sensei Go Hotshot
Shia Wase No Le Flakkie
Jacquet's Kotohime
Shia Wase No Le Keiko
Shia Wase No Le Snapp
Hokutono Ran
Ranchlake California Promise
Triple K Raven of Ranchlake
Jacquet JP's Baron
Kurohana Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Mokelumne Xochi of Ranchlake
Shinshu Chibisuke Of Shinshu Ueda Tengusow
Langans Brushwood Kiku Hana
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree