Pedigree of Shandell's Grand Illusion
Shandell's Grand Illusion
Zen Satori's Koji Go Shandell
Gyokuryuu (Tamaryu) Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
玉龍号 琉球うるま
Tamanishiki Go Fukuoka Kaidousou
玉錦号 福岡海道荘
Nanotaijin Go Chikuzen Kanmurigaoka
那ノ颱神号 筑前冠ヶ丘
Daruma No Hideka Go Iwakuni Darumasou
達磨の秀華号 岩国達磨荘
Riko Go Ryuukyuu Uruma (Gold Typhoon)
Kuninishiki Go Kosei Shiragikusou
Hamahime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Suzu Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Suzutetsu go Tama Shimada
Ichifusanobenitetsu Go Ichifusa Sugimotosou
Suzuhaname Go Kawasaki Miyahara
Tamahime go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Fujishiro Go Onishi Fujiyamasow
Kotobuki No Hana Go Ryukyu uruma
Shandell Unlikely Angel
Reno Sakura Jackpot
Shinshu Chibisuke Of Shinshu Ueda Tengusow
Kiminishiki Tamakazesow
Tenichihime Go Shinshuu Ueda Tengusou
Shinshu Benime Rokumonsentsumugiso
Tokijiro Rokumonsentsumugiso
Benimitsume Mita Kensha
Shandell Summer Breeze
Hansha Shin Yu of Shandell
Hansha Remote Control
Beni Hime
Shandell Blue Mountain Summer
Independence of Taichung
Blue Mountain's Schnookey
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree