Pedigree of Katagi No Kuro Daiya Hime Go |
Katagi No Kuro Daiya Hime Go
| Takishiido Of Foxfire
| Yukan Of Aoyama Mahar
| Takayu Go Shimotsuke Nantaisow
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Fujihime Go Kiyokunisou
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Dunroven Kogata
| Minimeadow Samurai First
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Minimeadow Bonsi
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Hansha No Kuro Shinju Go
| Foxtrot Mr. Bo Jangles
| Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
| Akaginishiki of Gunma Fukuda
Miohime of Gunma Fukuda
Taka Chika
| Takemaru of Chita Mochizukisow
Koroyuki of Hitotsuyamasow
Langans Brushwood Korogi
| C.R.T'.s Black Dime
| CRT's R's Red Baron
Langans Brushwood Clarissa
Kuroichime of Awa Kinseisow
| Sakushu Tatsumaru of Mitsuwa Kensha
Sakushu Natsume of Awa Kinseisou
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |