Pedigree of Southampton's Black Pearl |
Southampton's Black Pearl
| San Jo Grand Slam
| Genshiro Go Gold Typhoon
| Ryugenmaru Go Nidai Maneisou
| Toka No Genta Go Daini Morimotoso
Hamakocho Go Nikosow
Hamahime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
| Kurotetsu Go Izumisou
Hamahime Go Nidai Maneisou
San Jo Pocket Change
| Genta Go Gold Typhoon JP
| Ryugenmaru Go Nidai Maneisou
Hamahime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
San Jo's Pennywise
| Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow
San Jo's Tickled Pink
Hi-Jinx Blackberry Brandy
| Hi-Jinx Black Smith
| Foxtrot Technical Knockout
| Hansha Remote Control
Foxtrot Ebony Envy
Langans Brushwood Kjenia
| C.R.T'.s Black Dime
Langans Brushwood Asa Yake
Hi-Jinx Midnight Kiss
| Hansha Power Pack
| Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
Langans Brushwood Korogi
Avon Suma Cumlade Kent Go
| Tamariki Go Banrakuso
Cha-Cha of Avon Koyukisow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |