Pedigree of Koyotes Vixen's Stole My Heart

Koyotes Vixen's Stole My Heart

Fallscreek Xan's Bear at Koyotes


Mara-Shimas Tsunami

Oakshadow Tonka Toy Is Vormund

Vormund Shooting Star

Hi-Di-Hi As Aras An Uachtarain

Playboy as Aras an Uachtarain
Akahira inu Gami Sali

Fallscreek's Dark Angel

Windcastle's BNT Riverview Guy

Hi-Jinx Black Smith
Blue Loon Windcastle's Classic
Ocean's Blk Gem of Fallscreek

Oceans Simon Says

Steelcrest's Ocean's Dynasty

Koyotes Kodiaks Cinnamon Vixen
Classy's Tick-Tock Fox
San Jo Tom Foolery
Prescott J's Lady Sock Broker
Classy's Miko Hana

Classy's Captain Huey
Shibas Nest Little Red Dancer
Koyotes Kodiak Bear

Langans Huckleberry
C.R.T'.s Black Dime
C.R.T.'S K'S Vixen
Thunderflash Nitchi Moo
Freroshse Hiroshee
Thunderflash Sunkist Dingo
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree