Pedigree of Galena Creek's Luca Nelson
Galena Creek's Luca Nelson

Triple K Raven of Ranchlake

Jacquet JP's Baron

Katsuranishiki of Oikawa House
Koushuu No Gen Go Echigo Suwasou
甲州の源号 越後諏訪荘
Musashi No Beniyukihime of Oikawa House
Kuromarihime of Kunimutsusow
Kurohana of Kunimutsusow
Rikahime of Hokuso Takayamasow

Kurohana Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Kurotetsu Go Izumisou

Kotetsu (Toratetsu) Go Koutokusou
虎鉄号 高徳荘
Tenryu Noborihime Go Izumi Sou
Nishikihane of Ryukyu Wruma
Kuninishiki Go Kosei Shiragikusou
Senhime of Ryukyu Wruma
Galena's Lasting Impression
Foxtrot SS Merlin

Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
Akaginishiki of Gunma Fukuda
Miohime of Gunma Fukuda

Foxtrot Sizzlin Sin-Sation
Kurono Onami of Maranta
Foxtrot Some Spellbinder
Shooting Star's Angle
SS Marx
Blue Loon Bobby Socks
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree