Pedigree of Fansu Shichi Little Bit
Fansu Shichi Little Bit
Royal's Kimute of Fallscreek
Fansu's Royal Land Shark
San Jo's Wise Decision

Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow
San Jo's Tickled Pink
Justya Tye Breaker Fansu

Blue Mount's Black Tye

Mokelumne Simply Scarlet
Taichung Designer Label

Hideryu of Fujinomiya Kensha

Hiryuu Go Fujinomiya Kensha
飛龍号 富士宮犬舎
Ryubi of Enshu Tokuyama

Homaretennome of Gishifujiso

Joukichi of Yamanashi Fujikensow (Toukensou)
Takeda No Yukihime Go Ishiisou
Fansu's Kiss And Tell
Foxtrot Outta Control Fansu

Hansha Remote Control
Tetsuryu Of Hikari Kaidasow

Kuma Mitsu Of Aoyama Mahar JP

Foxtrot Ebony Envy

Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha

Foxtrot Sizzlin Sin-Sation
Taichung Keiki
Taichung Tempted By A Lady
Elliott of Taichung

Kiyoichime Gishifujiso
Daifukume Fujitoso
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree