Pedigree of Shichi's Bit's Image |
Shichi's Bit's Image
| Fansu's Dominate
| Bambi's Good Looking Scott
| Cuddly Conrad
| |
Jeff's Ariel
| |
Shadow's Denise Den
| Coxs Dennie
| |
Cox Yermish
| |
Fansu Shichi Little Bit
| Royal's Kimute of Fallscreek
| Fansu's Royal Land Shark
| San Jo's Wise Decision
Justya Tye Breaker Fansu
Taichung Designer Label
| Hideryu of Fujinomiya Kensha
Homaretennome of Gishifujiso
Fansu's Kiss And Tell
| Foxtrot Outta Control Fansu
| Hansha Remote Control
Foxtrot Ebony Envy
Taichung Keiki
| Taichung Tempted By A Lady
Daifukume Fujitoso
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |