Pedigree of Hi-Jinx Dressed in Black
Hi-Jinx Dressed in Black

Umewaka No Shouki Go Izu Umesow

Hi-Jinx Black Mascara

Hi-Jinx Black N Dekker

Sasuke of Paladin

Jou (Jyo) Kenwaso
Akane Kashumitsuuchiso

Foxtrot High Lites

Hansha Remote Control

Foxtrot Femme Fatale

Hi-Jinx Midnight Kiss

Hansha Power Pack

Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha

Langans Brushwood Korogi
Avon Suma Cumlade Kent Go
Tamariki Go Banrakuso
Cha-Cha of Avon Koyukisow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree