Pedigree of Kawamaisou's Django
Kawamaisou's Django
Asaka No Ginsei Go Akasou
Haruchikara Go Ichiyoshi Kensha
Matsuhime Go Iyo Hinode Kensha
松姫号 伊予日之出犬舎
Matsukaze Go Ehime Tachikawa
Shippuu Go Minami Uwasou
疾風号 南宇和荘
Mitsuhana (Kouka) Go Mitsufujii Kensha
光華号 三津藤井犬舎
Shiraha No Yuuka Go Iyo Shirahasou
白刃の優香号 伊予白刃荘
Shunpuu (Harukaze, Shumpuu) Go Ehime Tachikawa
春風号 エヒメ立川
Gunrou No Sakura Go Gunrou Takahashisou
群狼の桜号 (群狼高橋荘)
TNT Shanika Noir
KB Blazon Knight Simbali TNT
Fansu's Bold Shogun's Foxfire
Taichung Bold Concept At OPR
Taichung Whispering Bells OPR
Fansu's Divine Madness T'Risu
San Jo's Wise Decision
Arcturas Live Wire Fayan
Fansu Face Of An Angel Kisu
Foxtrot Outta Control Fansu
Hansha Remote Control
Foxtrot Ebony Envy
Justya Tye Breaker Fansu
Blue Mount's Black Tye
Mokelumne Simply Scarlet
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree