Pedigree of Frerose Ming Dynasty
Frerose Ming Dynasty

Frerose Stoned Cold

Frerose Little Big Man

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Otomi No Kadoichi
Yurihime of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Kurohana Go Steveso
Uni Go Kashu Roninso
Frerose Sweet Mystical You
Kiyota Kamaru Go Nidai Maneiso
Ecchu Takehachiro Go Ecchu Maneiso
Shungikume Go Nidai Maneiso
Frerose Fanny Flagg

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha

Frerose's Punkin Pie
Frerose Black Lillie
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree