Pedigree of Yuki Aka Youngtree High Shine
Yuki Aka Youngtree High Shine

Mara-Shimas Tsunami

Oakshadow Tonka Toy Is Vormund

Makoto Aka Danshaku

Wellshim Sadako at Vormund

Vormund Shooting Star

Kurotetsu of Kohtokusow at Makoto
黒鉄号 高徳荘
Wellshim Mimosa
Ariyek-Maleygmyuts Chelsea

Makoto Aka of Marashima

Makoto Aka Danshaku
Makoto Red Velvet

Hi-Di-Hi As Aras An Uachtarain

Playboy as Aras an Uachtarain
Akahira inu Gami Sali

Bonsai Bullit Star

Mara-Shimas Timo

Vormund Rising Star

Kurotetsu of Kohtokusow at Makoto
黒鉄号 高徳荘
Wellshim Mimosa
Sakushuhime of Tsuyoshi at Makoto
Kawana No Saku of Toyohashi Kawanasou
Benikohime of Tsuyoshisow at Makoto

Vormund Christmas Carol Of Pendley

Makoto Aka Danshaku
Shiranami of Kadowaki Kennels

Kurochahime of Dohgayamasow
Vormund Annies Song

Wellshim Black Jack is Vormund

Wellshim Sadako at Vormund
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree