Pedigree of Red Barn's Shiba Girl
Red Barn's Shiba Girl
Shiloh's Tatsumaki Preston
Twin Lakes Simba
High Plains Rising Son
Minimeadow Tsuru Bashi
Pharfossa's Rose Of high Plain
Frerose's Meeka Of Kensha
Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha

Highplains Shasta At Twin Lakes
Foxtrot Trademark Titan
Akira of Cowen Third
Foxtrot Some Spellbinder
Foxtrot Treasured Tiara
Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
Foxtrot Sizzlin Sin-Sation
Sassy L'II Kitty
Schmitz Zechariah
Yuniku's Doc Holiday
Elliott of Taichung
Foxtrot Kyoko
Jazmaz Romans Five VS Eight
Ishiyama Charles In Charge
Fansu Miss Margaret Imps
Schmitz Cinnamon
Titan Pawz
Foxtrot Trademark Titan
Gento's First Tuesday
Yotsuya De Pawz
Cujo Kimiko
Nasty Sato
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree