Pedigree of Hi-Jinx The Cat's Meow
Hi-Jinx The Cat's Meow
Daikoku No Toyo Go Gifu Daikokusow
Toyonishiki Go Toyohashi Onoda
豊錦号 豊橋小野田
Fukuryuu Go Enshuu Kinryuusou
Takimitsu Go Noto Sekidoso
Fukuhime Go Enshuu Kinryuusou
福姫号 遠州金竜荘
Hama No Toyohime Go Toyohashi Onoda
浜乃豊姫号 豊橋小野田
Shinshuu Terumidori Go Suzuransou
信州輝緑号 鈴蘭荘
Benihime Go Toyohashi Onoda
紅姫号 豊橋小野田
Chisato Go Hizansow
Makoto No Kurowashi Go Seikensow
Kurokinju Go Hamamatsu Shunjuusou
Daruma No Reika Go Iwakuni Darumasou
Mai Go Yoshiyamasow
Aoi No Tetsu Go Serikawa
Maihime Go Ena Yokohama
Hi-Jinx Black Mascara
Hi-Jinx Black N Dekker
Sasuke of Paladin
Jou (Jyo) Kenwaso
Akane Kashumitsuuchiso
Foxtrot High Lites
Hansha Remote Control
Foxtrot Femme Fatale
Hi-Jinx Midnight Kiss
Hansha Power Pack
Fukurinmaru of Gunma Fukuda Kensha
Langans Brushwood Korogi
Avon Suma Cumlade Kent Go
Tamariki Go Banrakuso
Cha-Cha of Avon Koyukisow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree