Pedigree of Fukuoka Shiba Victoria Z Vinaricke Hory |
Fukuoka Shiba Victoria Z Vinaricke Hory
| Noven's Michie
| Mara-Shimas Koki's Kime Waza
| Kokichi No Taima Go Echigo Satou Kensha
| Kaze No Daiteiou Go Aizu Tsunekatsusou
Benitakahime Go Echigo Hoshinosow
Mara-Shimas Katsu Go Benisakura
| Haguro No Katsuryuu Go Chuuou Hagurosow
Mara-Shimas She Is The One
Noven's De Mishima
| Alina's Sato Kaito
| Satonoshunkou Go Okazaki Aonosou
We-Sedso One And Only
Noven's Takara
| Explorer's Masuru
Noven's Chikara
Hiraka del Monte de Haya
| Mara-Shimas Kuro Ryu Enzo
| Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go
| Genshiro Go Gold Typhoon
Tenpohime Go Kyoudaisow
Mara-Shimas Kyushu No Tatsuhime
| Qyoketsu Del Monte de Haya
Vormund Shooting Star
Yuyakehime del Monte de Haya
| Haguro No Katsuryuu Go Chuuou Hagurosow
| Beninishiki Go Youda Takadasow
Hikarihanahime Go Nikkosow
Chiaki Go Shinshu Inaoka
| Shinshu Sakura Go Shinshu Takeisow
Kyoka Go Kurashina Kensha
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |