Pedigree of Mad About Minx
Mad About Minx
Yankee Caliber
Icewinds Joe Millionaire
Storm Kloud's Feel The Heat

Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Storm Kloud's Cuz Sonya Says So
Kooskia's Krimson Ice

Ryusen Go Kawamatasow
Kooskia's Shookan Suru
Red Barn's Shiba Girl
Shiloh's Tatsumaki Preston
Twin Lakes Simba
Highplains Shasta At Twin Lakes
Sassy L'II Kitty
Schmitz Zechariah
Schmitz Cinnamon
Ima Pretty Peskie
Staceys Kozmo of West Fork
SS B.B.'s Seven
Jubilee's Sesame Boy
Tinsley's Big Bucks
Sappari Teriyaki C
Koga Carrier
Deco Figure
Staceys Maria Of West Fork
Staceys Junior Of West Fork
Klassy Newt
Ellis' Shy Sahra
Lemons Royal Hannah
Myers Pistol Pete Delabo
Myers Natuso Babby
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree