Pedigree of Angeless Ejsa Sky Paradise
Angeless Ejsa Sky Paradise

Uchikatsu del Monte de Haya

Saijoto's Genji Taka Go

Dragon House Musuko Go

Kori Bushi Of Kitsunebiso
Kantu's Can do it too Ya

Taichung Promishes

Hideryu of Fujinomiya Kensha

Sparkles At Nite Of Taichung

Vormund Christmas Carol Of Pendley

Makoto Aka Danshaku
Shiranami of Kadowaki Kennels

Kurochahime of Dohgayamasow
Vormund Annies Song

Wellshim Black Jack is Vormund

Wellshim Sadako at Vormund
Ejsa Biky
Ichiban del Monte

Hikari Del Monte

Minimeadow JP Arko

Orion's Minimeadow Sugar

Manløtens Yubina
Hidakaze of Akenosow
Manløtens Hai-Mochiron
Anji Geal
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree