Pedigree of Nazgul of Inivruk
Nazgul of Inivruk
Lord of the Ring des Portes de la Moria
Burwen Urban Connexion
Morningstar Waka Chousei Sou
Morningstar Secret Agent at WS
Cordinator Dee for Morningstar
Mymsin Hanako Of Burwen
Vormund I'm Picasso
Mymsin Amai
Highway to Hell des Portes de la Moria
Kyoshi Irish Mist
Kyoshi Akebono
Kyoshi Elles Belles
Capri C'est Fini Des Portes De La Moria
Hobilbo go shun you kensha
Akira Des Portes De La Moria
Allaikha's Chewie
Kuromatsu De L'Izaville
Kukay's Ugesmo
Vennichi of Shakkosow
Thjari Youngtree High Shine
Cajan-Indra Tefrhe
Bonsai Bullit Star
G'Yume of Inivruk
Clayton of Inivruk
Allaikha's Umaku
Aikan Go Shun You Kensha
Midori Go Shun'You Kensha
Yamatochoushuu Go Fuji No Numayasou
Kaori Go Shun'You Kensha
香号 春陽犬舎
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree