Pedigree of Kys' Creekside Ready To Rumble
Kys' Creekside Ready To Rumble
Mo's Black Windstorm

Mo's Grand Thunderstorm AOM

Mo's God Of Thunder
Tanasea's Sky Pilot
Kaizens twentyfour Karat Gold

Shandell's Grand Illusion

Zen Satori's Koji Go Shandell

Shandell Unlikely Angel
Nikima's Princess Mikia
Kuroboshi Go Ginseisou

Haruchikara (Shunriki) Go Ichiyoshi Kensha
春力号 一吉犬舎
Kurobenihime Go Harigayasou
Nikima's Lady Omega
Fanfair's Buddy
Fanfair's Bound To Astound
Spitfyre's Secret Amber Fyre

Marma's Light Your Fire

Morningstar Fujiwara No Megumi Sou

Musashi Go Soushuu Choumonsou
武蔵号  相州長紋荘

Morningstar Mia Chousei Sou

Marma's Cricket

Marma's The Magician

Cedarcrest's Splash Down at Marma
Spitfyre's Secret Crush On Angel
Spitfyre's I'M A Keeper
Spitfyre's Teddy Bear
Spitfyre's Oh So Awesome
Spitfyre's What An Angel!
Spitfyre's Teddy Bear
Spitfyre's Autymn Inspiration
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree