Pedigree of Boso Shiba Victoria z Vinaricke Hory
Boso Shiba Victoria z Vinaricke Hory

Abu Sandyshi

Banzai del Monte de Haya

Shingen Go Chousei Sou

Musashi Go Soushuu Choumonsou
武蔵号  相州長紋荘

Megumi Ginseisou

Umaku of Shakkosow

Manlotens Hashibami
Tsunetetsuhime Go Daitaso
Cashira Honey Czech Jakobin

Rippa-Na Tobimasu

Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow

Kurohana Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Ranchlake California Promise

Triple K Raven of Ranchlake

Mokelumne Xochi of Ranchlake
Hiraka del Monte de Haya

Mara-Shimas Kuro Ryu Enzo

Zen Satori's Kuromatsu Go

Genshiro Go Gold Typhoon

Tenpohime Go Kyoudaisow
Mara-Shimas Kyushu No Tatsuhime

Qyoketsu Del Monte de Haya

Vormund Shooting Star

Yuyakehime del Monte de Haya

Haguro No Katsuryuu Go Chuuou Hagurosow

Beninishiki Go Youda Takadasow
Hikarihanahime Go Nikkosow

Chiaki Go Shinshu Inaoka
Shinshu Sakura Go Shinshu Takeisow
Kyoka Go Kurashina Kensha
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree