Pedigree of Shandell Foxfire of Marma

Shandell Foxfire of Marma

Frerose Challenger of Marma

Frerose Stoned Cold

Frerose Little Big Man

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Frerose Sweet Mystical You
Kiyota Kamaru Go Nidai Maneiso
Frerose Fanny Flagg

Frerose Sophie
Fanfair's Do It My Way
Kiyota Kamaru Go Nidai Maneiso
Sea Breeze Miss Behavin
Frerose Cupie Doll

Suzuhomare Of Yoshimatsu Kensha
Frerose Miko

Shandell Dances With Dragons

Wynhaven's Executive Decision

Fanfair's Zento of Wynhaven
Koryu of Nidai Maneiso
皇竜号 二代万栄荘
Sea Breeze Miss Behavin

Ishiyama Line of Fire

Tanasea's Toyonaka Sama

Taichung The Lady In Red

Shandell Summer Breeze

Hansha Shin Yu of Shandell

Hansha Remote Control
Beni Hime

Shandell Blue Mountain Summer
Independence of Taichung
Blue Mountain's Schnookey
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree