Pedigree of Showboats Aurora

Showboats Aurora

Kirey Kazoku Enday


Hama No Tetsuharu Go Himi Iwagamisou

Tenkuumaru Go Himi Iwagamisou

Asuka Go Kibana Sayasou

Debuko Go Shun'you Kensha

Kaiou Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Aso no Akiho Go Takayuusou

Biba Swobodne Zycie

Copperdots Yama Hito

Copperdots Grothoichiro
Copperdots Hikari

Koi Matagiinu PL

Nobu Av Enerhaugen

S'Hana Matagiinu
Showboat Kitsune Fire

Showboat Keeping Up With The Jones

Dragon House Mr. Jones

San Jo American Idol

San Jo Proud Mary

Shandell Dawn's Early Light

Tenkai Go Ryuukyu Uruma
Shandell Jezebel

Showboat Charlize Theron

Cedarcrest Keeper Of Dragons

San Jo The Sorcerer

Copperdots Right Kind Of Wrong

Showboat Chardonnay

Shandell Foxfire of Marma
Shandell Yoshiakime
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree