Pedigree of Showboats Aurora |
Showboats Aurora
| Kirey Kazoku Enday
| Hama No Tetsuharu Go Himi Iwagamisou
| Tenkuumaru Go Himi Iwagamisou
Asuka Go Kibana Sayasou
Debuko Go Shun'you Kensha
| Kaiou Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Aso no Akiho Go Takayuusou
Biba Swobodne Zycie
| Copperdots Yama Hito
| Copperdots Grothoichiro
Copperdots Hikari
Koi Matagiinu PL
| Nobu Av Enerhaugen
S'Hana Matagiinu
Showboat Kitsune Fire
| Showboat Keeping Up With The Jones
| Dragon House Mr. Jones
| San Jo American Idol
San Jo Proud Mary
Shandell Dawn's Early Light
| Tenkai Go Ryuukyu Uruma
Shandell Jezebel
Showboat Charlize Theron
| Cedarcrest Keeper Of Dragons
| San Jo The Sorcerer
Copperdots Right Kind Of Wrong
Showboat Chardonnay
| Shandell Foxfire of Marma
Shandell Yoshiakime
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |