Pedigree of Satika I am Storm

Satika I am Storm

Satika N Sunojo The Great Khan

Satika's Invictus

Satika's Code of Kirridge

Zen Satori Big Mack
Satika's Code Red

SunoJo's Serenity At Satika

Ryuukyuumaru Go Gold Typhoon JP

Anautuk Love Goddess At Sunojo

Sunojo N Satika's Fiery Glow

Sunojo Buckaroo Banzai

Ryuukyuumaru Go Gold Typhoon JP

Yukizakurame Go Kagiyasou

Sunojo's Sea Serpunt

SunoJo No Punin Ten Ded

Sunojo's The Moon And The Sea
Satika's Rogue Nation

Satika's Torchwood

Kazakoshi No Kuroriki Go Yokohama Atsumi

Hoshi no Katsuriki go Shirakawa Shiotasou

Kurotsubakime Go Kagiyasou/Kamiyasou

Satika's Don't Think Twice

Satika's Code of Kirridge

SunoJo's Serenity At Satika

Koyotes Red Cara At Satika

Copperdots Morningstar Royce

Morningstar Shoryu Chouseisou

Shizuku Go Yamato Shinzansou

Koyotes Shelby's Little Secret

Morningstar Shelby Pink Cotillion
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree