Pedigree of Kortmar Betty Boop

Kortmar Betty Boop

Orienta Run Down The Devil
Orienta Devils Advocate
Risingsuns Shinto Ki
Sherae Shibaso Koto
Kleskunviews Shukumei
Risingsuns Tenshi
Yandiah Kagetora
Risingsuns Sunssaki
Monarkin Ming Ming

Monarkin Mia Mia
Monarkin Linbed Yakuza
Oakshadow Boogie Nights
Betlin Kuroy Hime
Glenine Suntory
Betlin Cherry Blossom

Tamamitsu Go Gold Typhoon

Gyokuryuu (Tamaryu) Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
玉龍号 琉球うるま

Momohana Go Ryukyu Uruma
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree