Pedigree of Bluecountry Cinnamin
Bluecountry Cinnamin
Yunikus Trooper (USA)
Elliott of Taichung
Jacquet JP's Baron
Katsuranishiki of Oikawa House
Kuromarihime of Kunimutsusow
Homaretennome of Gishifujiso
Joukichi of Yamanashi Fujikensow (Toukensou)
Takeda No Yukihime Go Ishiisou
Yunikus Miss Photo Finish
Bluecountry Chukie
Yuniku's Spirit Dancer
Elliott of Taichung
Jacquet JP's Baron
Homaretennome of Gishifujiso
Yuniku's Gold Edition
San Jo Doubting Tom
Foxtrot Kyoko
Thunderflash Treena
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree