Pedigree of Flyer x Kashi |
Flyer x Kashi
| San Jo Little Red Waggin
| San Jo James Bond
| San Jo Idol Eyes RN
| San Jo American Idol
San Jo Proud Mary
San Jo Lillith Fair
| Tenkai Go Ryuukyu Uruma
San Jo Lillith
Piper's Creek Signs of Spring
| San Jo Wang Chung Tonight
| San Jo Juicy Gossip
San Jo Chakaholic
San Jo Tiger Lily
| San Jo Relentless of Lemaitre
San Jo Lillith
Coquina Game On
| San Jo Game Changer
| Daiko No Miles Davis at San Jo
| Shunjuu Sakuraou Go Fukaya Shunjuusou
Kurokomachi Go Shikouen
San Jo Look Who's Talkin
| San Jo Relentless of Lemaitre
San Jo Elivira of Lemaitre
Coquina Sound Of Madness
| San Jo Little Red Waggin
| San Jo James Bond
Piper's Creek Signs of Spring
Frerose's Shesa Hot Mess
| Frerose Good Will Hunter
Frerose Zoey of Eubar
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |