Pedigree of McCullough's Wind Dan-Sur
McCullough's Wind Dan-Sur
Springwater Geiko San
Coopy's Call Me Turkey
Frerose's Princess Shoji
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow
Ichibeni of Ineda Meikensow
Frerose Woozie of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow
Yukimehime of Yukigunisow
Coopy's Pam-Bo Keena
Bobo Taku
Reedgate's Son Of Kimiko
Kimiko Of Highland Hills
Yuki's Haina Of So Dak
Coopy's Love Tokyo Rose
Yuki's Star Of Sorensen Long Lake
Suki Ming Of Highland Hills
Dichas Pampa
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree