Pedigree of Misa Amane Del Campodistelle |
Misa Amane Del Campodistelle
| Lucky 13 Del Campodistelle
| Hot Heartbreaker Incipita Vita
| Blaze of Night Kichiro
Handzimemesite Ginza Runner Star
Temptation of Bliss Incipita Vita
| Morningstar Katsumi The Kat Master
Style-Dress Miahara
Lux Mundi Incipita Vita
| Handzimemesite Yegoshua
| Juhou Go Kuwana Mitomosou
Mara-Shimas Mami Reigai
Shibatroll's Fiorella
| Soldoggen's Ojin Tenno
Honto-No Uchiko
Calypso Dancer Incipita Vita
| Charming Soul Incipita Vita
| Chizuma Incipita Vita
| Kazakoshi No Suzuteru Go Yokohama Atsumi
Explorer's V No Kurome
Zoloto Nebes Chapman
| Aoi No Gassanryuu Go Hasebesou
Nikkei Del Monte de Haya
| Haruki Go Iyo Hinode Kensha
| Daiki Go Kuroda Kensha
Shiraha No Yuuka Go Iyo Shirahasou 白刃の優香号 伊予白刃荘 |
Yuyakehime del Monte de Haya
| Haguro No Katsuryuu Go Chuuou Hagurosow
Chiaki Go Shinshu Inaoka
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree |