Pedigree of

Handzimemesite Hiro

Handzimemesite O-Raydon

Copperdots Fuku No Kami No Handzimemasite

Kyouryuuou Go Noto Heiseian

Copperdots California Dreamin

Handzimemesite Chizato

Juhou Go Kuwana Mitomosou

Copperdots Shinko

Dan-Star-Kom Li Kawasaki

Vormund To Russia With Love
Nakayu Go Kazusa Nakanosow
Vormund Kiwi Spirit

Morningstar Katsu 'Cus We-Sedso

Musashi Go Soushuu Choumonsou
武蔵号  相州長紋荘
Cray Croft Kuzunoha

Faiter Spice Girl go Ore-Sama

Handzimemesite Ebisaburou

Handzimemesite O-Raydon

Copperdots Fuku No Kami No Handzimemasite

Handzimemesite Chizato

Handzimemesite Zeda ni Fureru

Juhou Go Kuwana Mitomosou

Handzimemesite Yakuhime

Faiter Pearl of The Queen

Hikay's Winner Takes It All

Copperdots One To Watch at Hikay’s

Hikays Damit Janet

Handzimemesite Zitsu O Tateru

Juhou Go Kuwana Mitomosou

Handzimemesite Yakuhime
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree