Pedigree of Jutush Jasaman Omura
Jutush Jasaman Omura
Jutush Jasaman Edzakiri
Ban No Aoi Reirou Go Shishibone Sakamotosou
Bishuu No Aoinishiki Go Marusa Kensha
Aoi No Ryuu Go Seishirousou
葵の竜号 清四郎荘
Tenichizakura Go Okayama Koutokusou
Ban (Saka) No Ayahime Go Shishibone Sakamotosou
Beniaoiryuu Go Hyougo Maruyamasou
紅葵竜号 兵庫丸山荘
Ban (Saka) No Oryou Go Shishibone Sakamotosou
Handzimemesite Hiroshi
Juhou Go Kuwana Mitomosou
Mara-Shimas The Warrior Princess
Mara-Shimas Michi Naranukoi
Mara-Shimas Ichi Kana Yuushi
Mara-Shimas Stand Up And Shout
Jutush Jasaman Satomi
Akatsuki Shishiou
獅子王 号 モ ス ク ワ 暁
Raijinou Go Sanuki Mizumotosou
Koujinryuu Go Tosa Kuroshiosou
光神竜号 土佐黒潮荘
Sakurahime Go Sanuki Mizumotosou
Shinkouhime Go Kuniyasusou
Kazaarashi Go Kuniyasusou
風嵐号 国泰荘
Hana Go Kuniyasusou
Handzimemesite Yakuriu
Vormund To Russia With Love
Aisite Imasski Des
Eyga-Suta S Akulovoy Gori
Wagler Del Biagio
Zena S Akulovoy Gori
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree