Pedigree of Lacsar Hakuna Matata

Lacsar Hakuna Matata

Morningstar Waka Chousei Sou

Morningstar Secret Agent at WS

Morningstar James Bond Chousei Sou

Kiriko Go Maroon Shiba

Cordinator Dee for Morningstar

Kojirou Go Soushuu Choumonsou

Cordinator's Naughty But Nice

Sakanda Angel at Lacsar

Kyoshi Akebono

Maiyoshiryu Go Narmenak
Kyoshi Pretty Woman

Kyoshi Dutch And Go to Sakanda

Daimaru Go Echizen Kishuusou

Kintoki Conspiracy with Dundalk
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree