Pedigree of Sensei Rice Cakes
Sensei Rice Cakes
Ryuudou go Kouhoku Yamaga

Senryuu Go Sanuki Mizumotosou

Tekka No Gen Go Sanuki Mizumotosou
鉄香の源号 讃岐水本荘

Tetsugen Go Bichuu Eikansou
鉄源号 備中栄冠荘
Suzukahime Go Takamatsu Morita
Chiyozakura Go Matsunaga Ono Kensha
千代桜号 松永小野犬舎
Rikiou Go Fudougataki Kensha
Benikahime Go Sanuki Daisensou
Shinshuu Beniichime go Kouhoku Yamaga
Sensei Sno-Storm's Just A Dream
Taka Keisei of Sensei
Jacquet's Kotohime

Katsuranishiki of Oikawa House
Koushuu No Gen Go Echigo Suwasou
甲州の源号 越後諏訪荘
Musashi No Beniyukihime of Oikawa House
Kuromarihime of Kunimutsusow
Kurohana of Kunimutsusow
Rikahime of Hokuso Takayamasow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree