Pedigree of Tooto of Aoyama Mahar
Tooto of Aoyama Mahar

Taketora Go Yodasou (Daitasou)
Sakuranishiki Go Murakami Gagyuu
Takahime Go Suzuki Kensha

Mizuhohime Go Nishikoyamasow

Fukusuke of Morowa Shirakosow
Nakakoma of Toyohama Susasow
Umetaro of Toyohama Susasow
Yumihime of Toyohama Susasow
Fukuhime of Hitotsuyamasow
Kukio of Maruhachi Kudo Kensha
Kiyohime of Hitotsuyamasow
Izumi No Tsuruzakurahime Go Koriyama Izumisou
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree