Pedigree of Oetia de La Tanière de Saint Loup

Oetia de La Tanière de Saint Loup


E'Ikki By Wolves Mountain

Akashima Go Shun You Kensha

Hachimonji Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Kaori Go Shun'You Kensha
香号 春陽犬舎

Chikara by wolves mountain

Buragiro Of Inivruk

Bijo-Ichi of Inivruk

Allaikha's Cookai

Vormund French Connection
Katsuga Sky Rocket by Vormund
Vormund Kadota Small Talk

Allaikha's Anzu

Kuromatsu De L'Izaville

Thjari Youngtree High Shine

Jade de la vallée des cerbères

Marma's Rich And Famous

Sanjo Let's Go Joe

Kairi Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Seki No Sachihime Go Shikoku Sekimaesow

Frerose Free Spirit Of Marma

Frerose Stoned Cold

Frerose Sophie
D'Simba des Trésors de d'Eden

Saku di Likidado

Banshu By Wolve's Montain
Dunna des Trésors de l'Eden

Kiyowara Di Poggio Petroio

Allaikha's A'Shin'You
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree