Pedigree of Colten's Bear
Colten's Bear
Colten's Luke
Chioto Go Of Taka Dae
Kinouk's Stepen-Wolf
Kinouk's Airwolf
Little Yum Yum Of Kinouk
Kinouk's Sweet Nothens
Katsuranishiki of Oikawa House
Kinouk's A Bit Of Fire
Yumi-Aki Go Of Taka Dae
Derring's Toreodor
Minimeadow Snowdown
Derring's Sheeba
Derring's Copper Penny
Poco Cupre of C K
Poco Bonita Cordon of C K
Springwater Koi San
Springwater Geiko San
Coopy's Call Me Turkey
Frerose's Princess Shoji
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Frerose Woozie of Frerose
Springwater Nippi San
Springwater Yume No San
Springwater Kami San
Kinouk's Pop-A-Top
Kanehime Of Satorisow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree